
More Competitions

In addition to the ElMuseo one:

Deadline May 1
I like this one because it is a pretty traditional competition, meaning a building with a site, and they are looking for something monumental.

Local Green Building Competition: Design a LEED Silver Residence. Deadline May 25

I'm throwing these out there because if we want to do a cool one we need to find out about it with enough time to do it. I'm looking for stuff with at least a two month deadline.

Also let's keep our eye on http://www.hatchfest.org/space/
and see if they do a competition this year again.

One other suggestion is to take on a couple more people and do a real competition, (i.e. something for the 2010 olympics, real buildings, etc.) It would be fun to compete with actual firms.

Then again maybe I'm just talking crazy....

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