Just some quick sketches for now, I'll upload text and more info after our meeting tonight.
Of course what I'm proposing is something more sinuous and closer to the face of the existing building but sketchup sucks when it comes to modeling those things, I just wanted to see what a form looked like partially draped over the existing building.

I'm still thinking this is made out of hundreds on nominal 2x's or something else that has a standardized shape. I also think the form should still be made like a giant mobius strip or as one continuous ribbon. See as this is a Hispanic cultural museum of sorts I was thinking we might draw inspiration for the connection/structure from Mexican weaving that I've seen.
In this way we are bridging the past and the future. We'll keep the form very progressive and utilize techniques that hint at the cultural history within the building. I think we need to avoid making it look "Mayan/Mexican" or ape any bead work/color scheme we've seen before. (ala Dan Glenn's stuff) That may work in other cases but it's important to remember that this area of Santa Fe is supposed to be the new cultural hub, similar to the Pearl District in Portland.

These quick models are missing the storage container which is located to the east of the orange blob and I think will juxtapose nicely with the form.

Meeting Notes: Sam suggested using projection or a graffiti surface to increase the interplay between 3D and 2D. We also agreed upon breaking whatever form we had into a certain number of modules in order to break apart skilled labor hours and unskilled labor hours. This will also make the structural issues with the facade somewhat easier to deal with.
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