So I've been playing around with the idea of the budget and the necessity for it to be something that we build that would still have a very professional look.
I like the idea of creating a box and then deforming that box from the inside.
Last night I made a quick model of a system that would use 8' or 10' 2x4's in a simple wood frame wall. If we used studs every 3" o.c. we could quickly build a screen facade that would give us a pretty cool look. By attaching off cuts to every stud with end up with a very filtered view as well as a spot to connect adjustable shelves.
built to scale using 8' 2x4's

That's assuming a higher than average number for lumber than the current market.
I'm also working on a "site" model for us to use.
Here's a look at another project I'm working on outside of this competition, but I figured it applied here as it's a chunk of a vehicle. It might be interesting to look at various vehicle components (something Detroit is known for) as building elements.

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