Stymied by requirements to be licensed (perhaps a gentle nudge by fate) we've decided to potentially drop the Bering Strait competition. Now begins the search again for a new competition or project.
We bandied about several ideas ranging from pro-bono work and expiremental graffiti style architecture to picking another competition.
What follows are a few of the ones I've found that may be interesting to try:
Intersections: The Grand Concourse beyond 100
Brief: The concourse is a 4 mile 180' wide bundle of tree lined roadways that stretches through the Bronx. Given the recent rebirth of the Bronx area the organizers are participants to look at ideas of all scales in an effort to improve/evolve the existing concourse.
Type: Master Plan/Ideas/Urban Design
Due date: May 1, 2009
Register: April 24, 2009
Fee: $30
Award: $5,000
Submission: (4) Digital Boards 11x17 @ 300dpi
Multiple Submissions?: Yes
Teams: Yes
License: No
Website: http://grandconcourse100.org/
2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom
Brief: "We are inviting you, teachers, students, architects and designers, to work together to design the classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide smart, safe and sustainable learning spaces. Students and teachers, here's your chance to tell the world what you need to make your classroom more effective. Architects and designers, you'll work one-on-one with students to translate those needs into better classroom design."
Type: Ideas/Classroom Design/Built
Due date: June 1, 2009
Register: May 4, 2009
Fee: $25
Award: $50,000 towards contruction of classroom, $5,000 grant for designers
Submission: (min. 4) Digital Boards 15x10 @ 200dpi, include 3D model
Multiple Submissions?: Yes
Teams: Yes (team should include a school or educators)
License: No
FormShift Vancouver
"The City of Vancouver has developed Climate Change Action Plans as well as the EcoDensity Charter – policies and principles to guide greener and denser development, improve building performance, reduce carbon emissions, and improve the city’s overall livability. Vancouver was the first city in Canada to adopt The 2030 Challenge for green house gas reduction, committing each of us to reducing our collective environmental impact. Vancouver City Council has taken that commitment a step further with the stated goal of becoming “the greenest city in the world”.
FormShift Vancouver challenges you to give shape to these goals through ideas and design solutions that will help shape the future of the city. Be it by expanding upon Vancouver's traditional design solutions or offering an entirely new perspective, this is your chance to build a hypothetical form of the future, one that is in keeping with the vibrant, ecologically-friendly and sustainable city to which we aspire
Type: Master Plan/Ideas/Urban Design/Small Scale
Due date: April 6, 2009
Register: March 20, 2009
Fee: $100
Award: $6,000
Submission: (2) Digital Boards A1 Portrait @ 300 dpi
Multiple Submissions?: Yes
Teams: Yes
License: No
Website: http://formshiftvancouver.com/
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